十二 182009

1. Why write a scientific paper?

l Advance Knowledge in your research field with evidence;

l Explain your ideas;

l Two key components in a research paper:

n An explicit claim on your contribution on a research problem;

n Evidence to support your claim;

l Your contribution can possibly be a refutation of a hypothesis of the present problem.

2. What to claim for a scientific paper? 什么样的观点能够成为科学性论文论述的内容?

l Your technique solves a problem for the first time;

l Your technique performs better in the following aspects:

l Higher success rate 高成功率

l Coverage 覆盖率更高

l Efficiency 你的想法能够提高某问题的效率

l Usability 你的方法更容易让用户接受


3. Typical Structure of a Research Paper

l Title: Catchy and Indicative of your research contribution (吸引眼球并有意义)


l Abstract: include the following items

n A summary of the research problem;

n Your claim;

n The evidence;

l Introduction: include the following items (the most important part!)

n Motivation

n A re-statement of Abstract

n Significance (重要性)

n An outline of the rest of the paper

l Related Work: 与你的论文问题相关的资料

n A critical review 批判的眼光对待以前及现有的方法

n 强调你的创新点

l Problem Statement and algorithm design: explain your idea in detail

l Evaluation: Evidence to support the claim of your research contribution


l Conclusion & Summary of the research contribution

4. What to know before you write? 写论文前要知道些什么

l Assess the audience:给谁写

l Assess the purpose

l Read other people’s writing from the forums that you are targeting


l Follow the rules

5. 如何写高质量论文?

(1) Choose a promising topic 选题很重要

(2) How to present a convincing case?

l What exactly is the problem being solved? 你的文章解决什么问题

l How are your ideas significant?

l Is all related work referenced and reviewed?

l Comparative studies with previous work are needed.

l Has your system implemented? 文章提出解决问题的方法是否实现了

(3) In-Depth Analysis of Empirical Results

写清实验细节Enough details for your experiment settings


实验结果是否一致并有结论性?Are the results consistent & conclusive?




(4) Introduction 前言

l 1/3-2/3 rule from reviewer’s perspective:

n 1/3 time to read your introduction & make a decision

n 2/3 time to find the evidence for decision

l A good introduction with a good motivation is half of your success!

l Include the following items:


6. How to publish?

Reading and citing relevant paper from the premier forums! (must)


7. How to deal with feedback?

(1) How to deal with Handling Editors?

l Be polite, but to the point;

l Ask for a change, if a clearly biased or unfair case;

(2) How to deal with conflicting review reports?

l 杂志(Journal Submissions):Provide a point-by-point statement of change! 将每个审稿人修改意见列出,并说明所作的修改

l 会议(Conference

(3) How to deal with “arrogant” and “ignorant” reviewers?

Provide a gentle statement for the “unreasonable” criticisms;

Try and resolve some of their comments 尽量按他们的意愿改

Your attitude to the reviewers is important! 修改稿可以再投

8. 总结以上最重要的9点:

l 文章要有想法和证据;

l 切忌面面俱到

l 明确敌人是谁

l Choose a promising topic

l 实验数据前后是否一致

l 前言很重要

l 引论相关文章 premier forums

l 写详细修改报告

l 用宽容的态度对待审稿意见


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