
Posted by 冰河 at 19:20 Add comments 117,488 Views

我也是搜索“免费 shell”的时候无意发现这个网站的。该网站有5个warmup的题目,通过后可以获得免费的shell帐号和web hosting。网上关于如何破解这5个问题的文章比比皆是,大家可以搜索《挑战hax.tor.hu 申请带ssh的免费php+mysql空间》试试。不过好像都是转载,人云亦云。出处已经不可考证了。

我在参考一份答案后顺利回答了5个问题。之后我发现继这5个问题之后还有50个challenges。于是凭借自己的能力我又做了16个,最后卡在第17题上。之后我把这16个题目的答案和原来5个warmup的答案都发在了博客上,见《挑战 hax.tor.hu 申请带ssh的免费php+mysql空间(附level 1-16答案)》。后来tor.hu的作者不知怎么发现了这份答案,还发邮件给我。可能是枪打出头鸟吧。我给他解释说这不是我的原创,而且我们确实需要一个免费的shell。但是迫于压力我还是删除了那篇文章。不过后来想想既然大家都需要这份答案,还是发出去吧。于是我又把那篇文章公布了出来。这都是很久以前的事了。


The original idea was to provide security related projects and websites with a stable, fast, kick-ass server.
Today, there are only a handful of smaller security / tech related blogs, but lots of users who only use the shell for their own profit alone: scanning other networks, proxying, IRC bots and bouncers, backup, and so on.
While we do not normally mind most of these activities, we will in the future prefer to provide our services only to those users who actually do something significant for the benefit of the security community or the server itself.

What didn’t change:
- The same services will be available in the future (shell, web, sql).
- The server’s main theme is still about security related projects.
- We are still non-profit.
- Worthy websites still get the hosting for free.

What did change:
- The control panel has been separated from the Hax.Tor.Hu website.
- Anyone may sign up for the hosting, even without playing the game.
- Instead of a worthy project, we accept Adsense space or payments
in order to cover the hosting and hardware costs (~$100 / month).
- We are trying to get the server to be able to support itself.
All we need for this is 10-20 users (out of the 1500) who are willing
to contribute a small amount of money.

If you have a shell account on shell.tor.hu and would like to to keep it, please sign up for continued access by the 20th of January.
You will need to specify your requirements (quota, IRC, web usage) and make an offer (running a security related website or project, giving us Adsense space on one of your better visited webpages, or making small payments every month).
Users who do not sign up for continued access or do not get approved by the 20th will be removed.
Because of this, we strongly suggest that you do a backup of your files.
We will not have time to ‘give your files back’ individually.
Thanks for your understanding.


Your website contains the solutions to hax.tor levels, plus your current home contains a web proxy, which is aginst the rules.
Because of these, I’m rejecting your signup.


以前hax.tor.hu在国内是个好东西,估计以后我们无福消受了。Google Reader里有句话说的好,“在中国,免费的东西最贵。”



19 Responses to “和hax.tor.hu说再见”

  1. level11挑战:

    Enter the hash for: “k y l h” (without spaces/quotes).Oh, BTW… You have exactly 7 seconds to do this

    hint, cheerleader, hint2






    可以发邮件到我的johnsonvin@126.com 谢谢。

  2. 别提了,上次被他们发邮件鄙视了一下。看来他们对我们如何使用ssh很是介意。

  3. 免费的都不给力啊!

  4. 晕啊,第五题的数字字母顺序,一直没搞明白,楼主能否提示下呀,多谢了。。。

  5. 不懂这么高深的东西

  6. 免费的VPS有点放心,



  7. 免费的就这样。很霸道的就会把你的封掉。。现在收费的貌似也不算太贵哦。。

  8. 也收到hax.tor.hu的邮件了,虽然我上次没申请成功。呵呵。还是自己买个廉价vps折腾靠谱

  9. 想要个免费都如此难。

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